January 3, 2019

The doctrine of Christ may be divided into two parts, the person of Christ and the work of Christ. The work of Christ concerns itself with what Christ came to earth to do. Matthew 4:23 reveals that while Jesus was here he actually did many things. But what was his primary mission and purpose? There are some erroneous views about this. ...

Dr. John Compere

The doctrine of Christ may be divided into two parts, the person of Christ and the work of Christ. The work of Christ concerns itself with what Christ came to earth to do. Matthew 4:23 reveals that while Jesus was here he actually did many things. But what was his primary mission and purpose? There are some erroneous views about this. One of these views is that Jesus’ main purpose was to leave us a body of moral and religious instruction. Another view is that his main purpose was that of a reformer (political and social).

If Christ came only as a teacher and a reformer then it was unnecessary for him to have come at all. This is because the Law of Moses left adequate moral instruction and people already spoke eloquently against social evils.

The primary reason for Christ’s coming was his work of redemption. He came to provide God’s solution to the sin problem. This mission included two great objectives, the removal of the penalty and the restoration of man to the image and fellowship of God.

Christ’s work of redemption may be summarized with three key events. First, his death was central to the redemptive event. It is not putting it too strong to say that the very purpose for his coming was to die (Mark 10:45; Heb 2:14). In his death, our salvation is made possible because he paid the penalty for our sins (2 Cor. 5:21; Heb. 2:9).

There are four great facts of sinful man. One, we deserve to die as the penalty for sin. Two, we deserve to bear God’s wrath against sin. Three, we are separated from God by our sins, and four, we are in bondage to sin and to the kingdom of Satan. Christ death deals with all of these in the following ways.

First, his sacrifice paid the penalty of death that we deserved because of our sins (Heb 9:26). Second, his propitiation for our sins removes us from the wrath of God (1 John 4:10). Third, his reconciliation overcomes our separation from God, bringing us back into fellowship with God. Fourth, his redemption restores all that was lost in the fall (Heb 2:15; Col. 1:13).

The second key event of his redemptive work is his resurrection. His resurrection demonstrated that His redemptive work was accepted by God (Rom. 1:4; 4:25; Acts 10:4-43). It also assures us that we will one day be raised from the dead.

The third key event is his ascension. The Lord’s redemptive work did not end with his death and resurrection. He ascended to the right hand of God where he now makes intercession for us (Rom 8:34; Heb 7:25). This is Christ’s present and continuous work for us. This is what gives to us confidence in prayer (Heb 4:14-16) and guarantees our standing before God (1 Jn. 2:1).

A summary statement of this doctrine of redemption would be: “Christ died for our sins, he was raised for our justification, and he now lives to make intercession for us.” That is his redemptive work. I trust that you had a glorious week celebrating our Lord’s birth and I pray that you will have a Christ-filled New Year. God loves you and so does First Baptist Church.
