August 17, 2019

If Mr. Trump loves his country, how come he dodged the draft? He doesn’t love his country. He talks about the poor women not loving their country. He’s a big liar. He needs to be impeached. I don’t know why they don’t ask the lot of the people what they think about him instead of Miss Pelosi. Maybe they need to get rid of her. Get rid of both of them.

__Get rid of Pelosi and Trump__

If Mr. Trump loves his country, how come he dodged the draft? He doesn’t love his country. He talks about the poor women not loving their country. He’s a big liar. He needs to be impeached. I don’t know why they don’t ask the lot of the people what they think about him instead of Miss Pelosi. Maybe they need to get rid of her. Get rid of both of them.

They will ask the people what they think of Trump in the 2020 election.

__Marines deserve every penalty they get__

Hello, America, and I say that with the upmost respect. I’m American, I’m a marine and I’m a citizen of Miner and I’m appalled at what 16 young marines have done at the wall, Camp Pendleton-area down there. Smuggling dope and human smuggling and the thing about it is, half of their names are Spanish. So what’re you going to do? I guess we gonna have to add on 1,400 or more rooms at Leavenworth because that is not right. I don’t care what their last name is or their first name or whatever. A marine is to do his job. And if you get busted for doing something stupid, you deserve every penalty you get. And this right here, you should have life in prison. Semper fi. God bless America.

__Lack of transportation makes for prisoners__

Mr. Editor, I just heard yesterday that the Greyhound bus no longer stops in Sikeston. We have no passenger train connections with the outside world. I think you should do an article on transportation services here in Sikeston. It looks to be the case that if you don’t have a car, if you’re old or you don’t have much money, you’re a prisoner here. Is that true?

The bus stop is in Matthews, Mo., now, at Flying Js. You can get around Sikeston with Scott County Transit at 472-3030.

__Please start spraying for mosquitoes__

I was calling in about the mosquitoes. I wish they would please start spraying. They are just eating us up. I know they are worse this year because of the rain and everything. They say they spray late at night. I wish they would spray about 8 or 9 o’clock so at least we could see that they are spraying. And they’re really bad. And I thank you for letting me speak out.

The City sprays late at night when there are less people out.
