August 28, 2019

Portageville, Mo. - The Portageville Chamber of Commerce is excited to announce this years Soybean Festival. It will begin on Monday, October 7 with the Talent Show. Another big change this year is Main Street Madness will be held on Saturday, October 10 at the end of the festival week...

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Portageville, Mo. - The Portageville Chamber of Commerce is excited to announce this years Soybean Festival.

It will begin on Monday, October 7 with the Talent Show. Another big change this year is Main Street Madness will be held on Saturday, October 10 at the end of the festival week.

The theme for this year is “Through the Eyes of a Child - Favorite Storybooks of all Time .”

The Kiddie Parade will be held on Tuesday, October 8, the Ministerial Alliance will conduct a Community Church Night on Wednesday, October 9. The Big Parade or Grand Parade will be held on Thursday, October 10.

On Friday, October 11 is the Bean Bash.

As mentioned earlier, the festival will conclude with Main Street Madness on Saturday, October 12.
