Portageville, Mo. - In a two-two tie to repeal the alcohol ordinance, Mayor Floyd Simmons had to break the tie, and voted yes for the repeal.
The Portageville City Council met Monday night, August 19, inside the City Municipal Court room. Several members of the Portageville Jaycees, Chamber of Commerce, and the Ministerial Alliance nearly filled the court room. The meeting was moved to the Court Room due to no air conditioning in City Hall.
At the beginning of the meeting Mayor Simmons said that he had met with leaders of above-mentioned organization to discuss what would be some reasonable solution and or compromises and the have the current alcohol ordinance #1266 amended.
He read off six recommendations:
1. Allow only Portageville organizations that have their 501C to obtain a temporary picnic license. The alcohol must be sold by the organization who is sponsoring the event,
2. Alcohol sales can only take place during concerts at City parks,
3. No sales during parades.
4. Hours of sales for alcohol are as follows:
A. 3:00 PM - 10:00 PM at city parks
B. 7:00 PM to 12 Midnight at all other city locations.
5. Area size for where alcohol is being sold or consumed is limited to no more than 120’ x 50’.
6. Alcohol being serves/sold must have an alcohol content of 8% or less.
A few comments were voiced from the audience about the current ordinance, as to what should be done, as well as comments were made about the meeting held last with favorable solutions.
One thought that was discussed was to have the issue on a ballot before the voters. Two main problems with that is with the Fourth Class classification that Portageville is, it would only be a non-binding vote, and still the Council would have to decide what to do. Second, is the cost of an election is $3,000 especially if there is nothing on the upcoming ballot. Even with a ballot vote, it is non-binding, therefore, it falls back on the Council to decide the outcome.
Mayor Simmons then opened the floor for discussion. Alderman Vince Berry asked the representatives of the Chamber of Commerce, Ministerial Alliance and the Jaycees their feelings on the negotiations. All three stated the negotiated settlement was acceptable to them.
The representative from the Alliance did state that some of his organizations members wished complete repeal, but himself and Then, Berry considering the City had asked these groups to look for common ground and they had done so in good faith, that the City Council should give this compromise a chance to work. He then asked his fellow Council members their opinion.
Alderman Neil Essary said, “I have been on this council for four months. From the beginning, I have been against the ordinance. I make a motion to repeal the alcohol ordinance #1266 altogether.
A second was made my Alderman Jessie James, Alderman Vince Berry voted Nay, and Alderwoman Lynn Doering voted Nay. Bering a tie vote, that meant the Mayor would have to break the tie. He voted “Yes” to repeal.
“I have been approached by several on this, and it is in my belief that it is in the best for all of the citizens that we repeal it,” Simmons said.
Berry asked the board for reconsideration and motioned that they accept the changes worked on diligently by so many in attendance. His motion did not receive a second.
Here is what that means. This vote was to ask the City Attorney to draft an new ordinance....it did not "kill" the standing ordinance. That issue will be taken up at the Sept 3rd meeting.
After the vote took place, moist of the interested parties left the room.
Next on the Council agenda was the bid for road paving.The Council accepted a bid from Causey Companies LLC to pave a few streets that the budget could allow. These streets will be broomed, tac oil sprayed, low areas wedged and two inches asphalt overlay and rolled..
The streets to be paved are:
• West 12th Street, $33,746.40;
• East 3rd Street, $22,890.00;
• West 8th Street, $29,230.00;
• Foster Avenue, $70,850.00; and
• Main and Huffman Intersection. The entire intersection will receive a two inch overlap, however the joints will be milled at the end for smooth transitions, about 3,800 sq. ft. - $5,600.00.
The Council has decided to allow Alderman Essary to continue getting additional bids on the repairing of the Police Department roof. Thus far, he has talked with three contractors and has only received one bid.
Police Captain Freddie Hill then mentioned two of the three security cameras are not working and need upgrading at the police department. They have used Hi-Tech Communications in the past, but would like to get other options.
Other actions taken by the Council included:
• Establishing a bank account for the SRO/Public Safety tax.
• To not renew a MoDot Adopt a Highway Renewal that the Council was not even aware of.
• Heard a proposal to purchase a Harley-Davidson Patrol Motorcycle with only 7,000 miles for only $5,000 from the Orlando, Flo. Police Department. This has been tabled until the next Council meeting.
• Mayor Simmons also said this month’s payment to Southern Solar Panels would be the last one for this year.
With no further business on tap, the Council meeting was adjourned.
The next City Council meeting will be Tuesday, September 3 at 6:00.