August 31, 2019

Hello Miner, Missouri. This is in particular for Miner, Missouri. I’m a councilman here in Miner, Missouri. There was an ordinance just passed on grass clippings out in the street. And I’ve had some flack on it. I wasn’t the one who brought up the whole thing. Abide by the law. It’s an ordinance. On Harrison and Ross or what have, I don’t care where it is. Just blow it back into your own yard. That’s all you gotta do. Thank you. God bless America.

__Keep grass clippings out of street__

Hello Miner, Missouri. This is in particular for Miner, Missouri. I’m a councilman here in Miner, Missouri. There was an ordinance just passed on grass clippings out in the street. And I’ve had some flack on it. I wasn’t the one who brought up the whole thing. Abide by the law. It’s an ordinance. On Harrison and Ross or what have, I don’t care where it is. Just blow it back into your own yard. That’s all you gotta do. Thank you. God bless America.

__Medical marijuana discussion__

Good afternoon Southeast Missouri, Miner, Missouri. We have an issue coming up here in town, I see it on the 12th of this month, and it’s a town house meeting, and they talk about having this so called medical marijuana dispensary here in Miner. The issue on my thought, is it commerce or is it moral. Church or state? The church don’t pay for our bills here in our local government. They help to it, but overall other things bring in revenue to help ease the burden of the deficit. But there again, everybody has a choice. I’m just saying Sikeston passed it. Revenue is what we’re needing to get us back at the operating place. People be there if you want to Aug. 12 to be there at the meeting at 6:30. Anyway, that’s my thought on that subject.

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P.S. on the local marijuana thing here in Miner. It’s not illegal. If it was illegal, they wouldn’t let them come here to host the city on putting the dispensary here in our town. I don’t do drugs and I don’t approve drugs. That’s the only way the federal government gets to let the dope dealers dictate because the federal government isn’t smart enough to get us out of debt. So they’re gonna use them. You can label it whatever you want to. Dope is dope. But still, if you legalize it. The towns need to get the benefits. Drugs are going to be out there. It might not be in front of your face but it is out there. You might not want to hear it but I’m just saying my PS.
