
Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Why are schools going to be torn down?

Mr. Editor, I think the citizens of Sikeston need a full, very full explanation, of why the school board or whoever, thinks that two elementary schools need to be completely torn down. What is wrong with these schools? And what is going to be done with the tons and tons and tons and tons and tons of waste, concrete, bricks, asbestos or whatever? What is the real reason these schools are being torn down? Is it to throw tax money at somebody’s friends to rebuild them or redesign them or whatever? Well as it stands now unless I get a real good reason I’m going to vote no.

We contacted the Better Schools for Better Communities Committee who provided the following response: “Previous and current Sikeston R-6 School District administrators and Boards of Education have been planning phases of facility upgrades for many years. Phase 2 for the Master Facilities Plan includes a new Lee Hunter Elementary, a new C Building on the Senior High campus and upgrades to the Kindergarten Center, including a multi-purpose/safe space on that campus. Lee Hunter Elementary and C Building have served Sikeston R-6 for more than 60 years. Current conditions are antiquated and cannot be refurbished to today’s standards. Replacement and upgrades to R-6 facilities will give our students and teachers a much improved and safer environment for learning. Surrounding communities have been upgrading their schools, and outside businesses and industries look to a community’s educational facilities in locating and expanding development. We hope that local vendors will be involved in this exciting effort to improve our schools and community if Sikeston voters approve the bond request. A public town hall on the 2020 bond request is at 5:30 p.m. Jan. 28 at Lee Hunter Elementary. More information can be found at www.schools4sikeston.com.”