April 20, 2020

SIKESTON – Catholic schools in Southeast Missouri will remain closed through the end of the school year. Diocese of Springfield-Cape Girardeau Bishop Edward M. Rice made the announcement Friday in a letter to monsignors, priests, deacons, principals and catechetical directors in the diocese...

Standard Democrat
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SIKESTON – Catholic schools in Southeast Missouri will remain closed through the end of the school year.

Diocese of Springfield-Cape Girardeau Bishop Edward M. Rice made the announcement Friday in a letter to monsignors, priests, deacons, principals and catechetical directors in the diocese.

“After consultation with health care providers, state and local officials, and my advisers, I have decided to suspend in-person classes at grades Pre-K – 12, including Parish School of Religion (PSR), through the end of the school year,” Rice said Friday. “Each of our Catholic Schools and PSR programs will continue to provide lessons, through remote strategies, until the remainder of their academic session. All extracurricular activities and school events are also suspended.”

Locally, schools impacted include: St. Francis Xavier in Sikeston, St. Henry in Charleston, Immaculate Conception in New Madrid, St. Eustachius in Portageville, St. Denis in Benton, Guardian Angel in Oran, St. Augustine in Kelso, St. Ambrose in Chaffee, St. Joseph in Scott City and Notre Dame Regional High School in Cape Girardeau.

Rice expressed gratitude to the principals for their leadership in ensuring that distance-learning has been provided for the continuous educational opportunities for students.

“I am also most grateful to both our teachers, who continue to be in constant contact with our school families, and to our school families, which have been conscientiously working with our various school staffs during these most difficult times,” he said. “Additionally, I offer a note of gratitude to PSR directors and catechists who have creatively continued to assist families with at-home faith formation.”

Rice said he is leaving it up to each parish as to when would be the best time for the celebration of First Holy Communion, which was halted due to the coronavirus pandemic. He recommended the Feast of Corpus Christi, June 14. Of course, this is dependent upon the state and local officials lifting the present “stay at home” order, Rice said.

“We also pray and trust that we will be back together in August, celebrating the joys of the new 2020-2021 academic year,” Rice said.

Gov. Mike Parson announced on April 9 that all Missouri public and charter school buildings will remain closed through the remainder of the academic year.
