Letter to the Editor

Letter: ‘Sounds Under the Stars’ in Charleston was success

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Dear Editors:

Warm, heartfelt love and appreciation to everyone who helped make “Sounds Under the Stars” in Charleston, Missouri, a success. We especially thank Mr. Rodney Jones who brought his trailer each week for us to use as a stage.

A special thanks to the entertainers: The East Prairie Church of God Worship Team, the Charleston First Assembly of God Worship Team, the Biles Twins and their pastor, the Rev. Floyd Wade, Latoya Robinson-Tate, Cotton Ridge Bluegrass, Mitch Pullen, Shannon Worthy and the Amier La Vie Band. We, also, thank the vendors who provided the good food and a great big thank you to all who came out and supported us.

We are so sorry that we had to cancel our July 17 singing as we had some great talent lined up, such as Perry Davis Harper and the Amier LaVie Band. As soon as we can, with God’s help, we will be back.

Mitch Pullen

Nina Heppe

Co-organizers of “Sounds Under the Stars”