July 31, 2020

I believe we have the most stupid bunch of people living in East Prairie than anywhere. No one wears a mask. Even in the businesses. Are they all as stupid as Trump? I wear one in the business places and everyone looks at me like “why are you wearing that?” I want to tell you why I’m wearing this mask — because I’m a Christian and I don’t want to give the virus to no one. So where is all the Christians? They are supposed to care about their fellow man, like Christ did. Start wearing your mask and quit being like stupid Trump.

__You aren’t Christian if you don’t wear a mask__

I believe we have the most stupid bunch of people living in East Prairie than anywhere. No one wears a mask. Even in the businesses. Are they all as stupid as Trump? I wear one in the business places and everyone looks at me like “why are you wearing that?” I want to tell you why I’m wearing this mask — because I’m a Christian and I don’t want to give the virus to no one. So where is all the Christians? They are supposed to care about their fellow man, like Christ did. Start wearing your mask and quit being like stupid Trump.

Matthew 5:22

__Where was Governor Parson?__

Governor Parson is appealing to the people for help in his campaign but yet where was he when the McCloskey’s in St. Louis needed his help. Why didn’t he send the Highway Patrol in to protect this family? Why hasn’t he done anything with this out-of-control prosecutor in St. Louis? Why did he wait so long to talk to President Trump about the situation? We needed action the night that this happened. We needed action then. Not three weeks later. McDowell 2020.

__Kentucky leader has nothing on Parson__

Yes, I just read in Speakout about “Smitten with Kentucky Governor.” Ha ha. I think that’s so ridiculous. If this person only knew what kind of a governor he was, wouldn’t be saying she was smitten or admired his brains and courage because we have an awesome governor in Missouri and things are being done right. So forget that dumb Kentucky governor and stick with our Missouri governor because he’s awesome. Just stay with Missouri and not Kentucky.

__Parson needs to be voted out__

I am writing this regarding our governor, Gov. Mike Parson. He has no regards or compassion for the parents or children. He needs to be called out stating the children will get the coronavirus, but they will get over it. Some children have underlying health problems, so how would he know if they will get over it or not. We need to vote him out. Let him get over that.
