For the August 2020 article, I thought I would discuss a couple of issues and a small recap of the Jaycee Bootheel Rodeo from earlier this month.
RETURN TO SCHOOL – As you know, Sikeston R-6 will start the 2020-2021 school year on Tuesday, Aug. 25. Of course, motorists must be mindful of the heavier vehicular and pedestrian traffic the school year brings. Parents dropping students off, or students who drive, should give themselves a little extra time this first week or two. Traffic around the schools at the beginning of the year is always a little more congested and sometimes when you are running late, frustration can occur. Our officers will be around various schools monitoring traffic and trying to help. Please remember the 20 mph zones around our schools is for the safety of our kids. New this year will be the concern of COVID and how that might affect an assortment of things. I read through the opening plan that Superintendent Dr. Tony Robinson disseminated, and it seems to be a comprehensive plan to take on these challenges. I know Dr. Robinson worked with a large committee of stakeholders within our district and considered CDC and DESE recommendations (and more) to come up with this plan. If you have children in the schools and you have not read this, I suggest you do. Personally, I believe we must continue everyday life, even if that ‘everyday life’ is not like it used to be. Two of my daughters will be attending Sikeston R-6 on campus this year, and I am pleased they are providing a safe place for my kids to continue their education. I am sure this year will not be without its challenges, but I know they are in good hands.
SIKESTON DPS STAFFING – We are continuing our efforts to recruit new Public Safety Officers and Communication Officers. Several agencies around the nation are currently struggling with this same issue and currently we are around 10 positions down. I can tell you I am very interested in getting applicants from our local area, although I will take interested applicants who live elsewhere. We have been diligently trying to acquire quality candidates and have been advertising on our Facebook Page (@SikestonDPS). There you will see the basic requirements for this position. The starting salary for this position is $38,556 and the compensation package also includes excellent health, life, vacation and retirement programs. We are a young department with room for advancement in a variety of specialty areas in both police and fire divisions. If you are interested or know someone who is, please give us a look. Contact Human Resource Director Amanda Groves at Sikeston City Hall (573-475-3714) or visit us on our city web page at Details on the communication officer position will be posted on FB soon.
RODEO — A bit of good news is that cooler weather is right around the corner. Although, we had some the best weather I have seen at this year’s Sikeston Jaycee Bootheel Rodeo. The Jaycees had to work extra hard this year with all the COVID concerns. I must hand it to those fellas. Few people realize how much work it is to put that event on every year. Added was this year’s virus concerns, which made it even more difficult. I have to say they did a great job working with the Scott County Health Department, Missouri Delta Medical Center, South Scott County Ambulance EMS and numerous law enforcement agencies in trying to ensure a safe and enjoyable event. Missouri Gov. Mike Parson even stopped by Friday night and gave a short greeting to the crowd. It was one of the most peaceful and fun rodeos we have had in a long time. They had an incredible turnout for rapper Nelly and a large crowd for county singer Cody Johnson. Both of those performers put on terrific shows. All of that and once again getting to watch Professional Bullfighter Dekevis Jordan flip over a charging bull … just phenomenal. I just want to thank you, Sikeston Jaycees, for all you do for our community. Many do not realize this organization puts this rodeo on each year so they can donate over $650,000 to local charities, nonprofits and community projects. In fact, the rodeo itself, brings a $6 million economic impact to our local area, supporting over 70 jobs. These tax dollars are then used to better our city. These fellas and many other volunteers donate their time and energy to do all this for our community. If you missed it this year, don’t worry, the date for next year is already set. See their Facebook Page “Sikeston Jaycee Bootheel Rodeo” for more information.
Well that is about all the space I have for this month. I am looking forward to next month when we will be talking about “Return 2 Sunset,” the American Legion Cotton Carnival and our Strengthening Police and Community Partnerships. Until then, don’t lose heart and keep putting one foot in front of the other.