August 19, 2020

SIKESTON — Sikeston Department of Public Safety is reminding citizens to be aware of rental scams in the area and steps they can take to avoid them. “It has been brought to our attention that residents have suffered financial loss due to rental scams in our area,” Sikeston DPS said in a post on its official Facebook page. “We would like to warn residents and give some quick tips on how to spot a rental scammer.”...

Standard Democrat
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SIKESTON — Sikeston Department of Public Safety is reminding citizens to be aware of rental scams in the area and steps they can take to avoid them.

“It has been brought to our attention that residents have suffered financial loss due to rental scams in our area,” Sikeston DPS said in a post on its official Facebook page. “We would like to warn residents and give some quick tips on how to spot a rental scammer.”

Sikeston DPS provided the following tips to help residents avoid rental scams:

— Schedule a viewing and confirm the property exists.

— Be suspicious if asked to transfer money electronically, wire money or in some cases in cash cards.

— Know what reasonable rental rates are.

— Review the contract thoroughly and have a friend or family member view it as well.

— Be suspicious if there appears to be urgency or pressure to get the deal done quickly.

— Be suspicious if they are avoiding your questions.

— If the deal appears too good to be true, it likely is.
