November 14, 2020

Hello Southeast Missouri. Hello Miner, Missouri. I saw where Sikeston has got some of those temporary speed bumps. I think that is pretty neat. We need some of those here in Miner. Especially on Harrison and Ross. Because these stop signs might as well be in Spanish because they don’t do nothing with it. It ain’t like the permanent ones over in the subdivision over there. That was just a political move. Only ones that go in there are the ones that live there. We’ve got everybody in the world come through here on Harrison and Ross. Drag racing and things, 11:30 last night a motorcycle out there was drag racing. Anyway mayor, if your listening, or if your not out hitting somebody. It’s a good day everybody. It’s cloudy, put your jacket on. God bless America.

__Speed bumps needed in Miner__

Hello Southeast Missouri. Hello Miner, Missouri. I saw where Sikeston has got some of those temporary speed bumps. I think that is pretty neat. We need some of those here in Miner. Especially on Harrison and Ross. Because these stop signs might as well be in Spanish because they don’t do nothing with it. It ain’t like the permanent ones over in the subdivision over there. That was just a political move. Only ones that go in there are the ones that live there. We’ve got everybody in the world come through here on Harrison and Ross. Drag racing and things, 11:30 last night a motorcycle out there was drag racing. Anyway mayor, if your listening, or if your not out hitting somebody. It’s a good day everybody. It’s cloudy, put your jacket on. God bless America.
