January 26, 2021

NEW MADRID, Mo. - Now there are three. Monday morning, one of the candidates initially filing to serve on the New Madrid County R-1 School Board officially withdrew their name. Seeking the two three-year terms on the board at the April election are incumbents Demetrius Moore and Mary Kay Davis along with Jeffrey Polk...

Standard Democrat

NEW MADRID, Mo. - Now there are three.

Monday morning, one of the candidates initially filing to serve on the New Madrid County R-1 School Board officially withdrew their name. Seeking the two three-year terms on the board at the April election are incumbents Demetrius Moore and Mary Kay Davis along with Jeffrey Polk.

The voters in the Gideon School District will choose two board members from a field of three. Filing for the board were incumbent Joe Woolverton and newcomers Michael Skinner and Austin Holiman. Jeff Lindsey, who is currently serving on the board, did not seek another term.

The father and son duo of Ronnie K. Adams and Ronnie G. Adams are unopposed in their bid for another three-year term on the Portageville School Board.

In the Risco School District, incumbents Ashley Calvert and Kent Buck filed will run without opposition for another term on the School Board.
