CHARLESTON, Mo. — The Charleston R-1 Board of Education voted to increase the pay of substitute teachers during its February regular meeting.
Daily rates for short-term substitutes who hold a bachelor’s degree or higher have risen from $70 to $90, according to B.J. Babb, communications specialist, for Charleston R-1 School District.
For non-degreed substitutes, the short-term daily rates rose from $66.50 to $85.
For paraprofessionals, nurses, and secretaries, the short-term daily rate was also raised from $66.50 to $85.
No changes were made to long-term substitute pay at this time. In all categories, the daily rate for long-term subs remains $100.00 for non-degreed, $183.07 for degreed, with the latter comparable to the daily pay of a first-year teacher.
According to Superintendent Jeremy Siebert, the new pay rate meets or exceeds that of surrounding schools. Siebert said he thinks this could be a good opportunity for recent graduates, college students and retired individuals.
Charleston R-I Schools substitute teacher applications and more information can be found at