
Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Uninformed on COVID

I’ve been calling about over here in Mississippi County, East Prairie and Charleston. COVID is now 20% in Mississippi County. When is the health department going to put out a stay-at-home, shut down the schools or whatever? Twenty percent. I hadn’t seen no shots over here. I hadn’t seen no place to get tested. It’s like it just stopped. People ain’t wearing masks. You go into stores here in East Prairie they got their mask pulled down below their nose and mouth. The manager walks right by them. OK. Right there they are breaking the law. Right there they should be done. But I’m getting back to COVID-19. We got 20% here in Mississippi County. Twenty percent, that is bad. This is the second highest county in the state of Missouri and this county doesn’t even that many people in it. So what is that telling you? That means the health department needs to open their mouths and tell these schools and tell people and shut down these stores if they cannot do it. These stores that are making money off of COVID-19. Raising prices and everything else. But besides that we need to worry about our kids. The students with 20-25 in a room. I thought there was only supposed to be 10-12 in a room.

Mississippi County does not have 20% of residents with COVID. The positivity rate, as of March 1, was 20%, meaning that 20% of those tested are positive. But yes, those numbers are high compared to the rest of the state. And those that don’t wear masks are not breaking any law.

Why can’t people read?

I just want to know how many people around Scott County, Mississippi County can’t read? When it says face coverings required, that means you can’t go into a business without a facemask on. It isn’t the people that wear masks. It’s the people that don’t wear them that spreads the germs, the virus and everything else, just in case you didn’t know that.

What is going on?

I have a question that I hope someone reading this can answer. What in the heck is going on where I live? First of all, I live on AB Highway in Stoddard County. I moved to the country partly for the quiet, which we no longer have. It started a few months ago with the sounds of numerous helicopters, one by one, a short time apart, flying overhead at night. This has stopped. Now we have the same thing going on only with low flying planes at all hours. There’s no quiet in the country here. What’s going on? Can someone tell me?

Why wasn’t comment published?

Why won’t you publish or print my comments on COVID, Tony Bobulinski on Fox News regarding his business relationships with Biden?

We have many, many Speakout comments daily so it takes us a while to run them. Be patient.

Life needs to be more humanitarian

We think of people of having some monetary value important to our business and not as members of our community who have human needs and wants. Maybe we should rethink utilitarian and make life more humanitarian. Life is about people, not things. We tend to think in terms of business and politics and not about society, culture and the individual. Societal evolution.

Smile at the pump Dems

Gas has been going up close to a dime a gallon ever since Biden took office so at that rate we can probably look forward to $4 a gallon by the Fourth of July and I hope all the Democrats smile when they fill up.