Additional titles expand Missouri Digital Newspaper Project to over 3 million pages

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

COLUMBIA, Mo. – The State Historical Society of Missouri continues to expand the scope of the Missouri Digital Newspaper Project by adding 333,000 pages of digital newspaper content from seven counties along the Mississippi River and four counties from central and north Missouri: New Madrid, Clark, Ralls, Jefferson, Perry, Madison, Dunklin, Johnson, Callaway, Worth and Nodaway.  

New content from 42 titles spanning the years 1860 through 1946 has been added through grant funding supported by Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act as administered by the Missouri State Library, a division of the Office of the Secretary of State.

Two newspapers from New Madrid County, spanning the years 1876 through 1944 have been digitized. The Southeast Missourian from 1876-1944 and the Weekly Record from 1876-1924 can be found at . This content is freely available to the public and is keyword-searchable.

The digital newspaper content from Portageville and New Madrid will engage citizens, to reflect on the events that have shaped their community.  Newspapers are the first draft of history and serve as primary sources for historical research, and provide a glimpse into society at that point in time.  

Over the past 11 years over three million pages of Missouri newspapers have been digitized through the Missouri Digital Newspaper Project, with the goal of providing free, searchable newspaper content from every county.  The collection now includes over 350 titles from 108 of Missouri’s 114 counties and the city of St. Louis. Focused on merging meaningful historic content with innovative modern technology, the State Historical Society of Missouri employs the highest national digitization standards: newspapers.

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