SIKESTON — Sikeston R-6 School District is seeking input from its stakeholders on how to spend federal pandemic assistance funds the district will receive in the near future.
On Tuesday, the Sikeston R-6 District posted a survey directed to its parents, guardians, staff and community members, asking them to rate the importance of specific opportunities for the district to spend the anticipated American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ARP ESSER) funds totaling an estimated $10.5 million.
“We must provide an application to the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education detailing how we plan to spend the funds. We would like your input as a stakeholder of Sikeston R-6 Schools to help make that plan,” the district said Tuesday in a social media post.
The survey asks patrons to rate the following topics by level of importance, ranging from “extremely important” to “not important at all”: academic interventions; additional staff; air filtration systems; anti-bullying programs; bleachers and handrails at Field House; car rider drive for Southeast Elementary; equal opportunity student programs; facility improvements (not bond issues); handrails at football field; PA system at Junior High; practice gym (formerly girl’s gym) updates; refocus rooms; replace Smartboards with Promethean boards; restroom updates (entire district); rubberized mulch for playgrounds; safety vestibule at Fifth and Sixth Grade Center; safety vestibule at Southeast Elementary; Saturday Academy for reading, math and writing support; technology devices for students; or any another item that the district should focus on with the ESSER funds.
To view the survey, visit: