Ribbon cutting — Homefront Studios

Friday, June 18, 2021
The Sikeston Regional Chamber held a ribbon cutting for Homefront Studios on Wednesday, June 9, at their new location, 72 David Drive in Sikeston. Cutting the ribbon is owner, Bobby Burns. Pictured with Burns is executive producer John Carter and Al Brooks of the Gospel group “The Brooks Boys” of Osceola, Arkansas. Homefront studios offers Nashville-quality recordings, podcasting, commercials and more. For more information visit their website: www.homefrontstudios.net.
Sikeston Regional Chamber photo

The Sikeston Regional Chamber held a ribbon cutting for Homefront Studios on Wednesday, June 9, at their new location, 72 David Drive in Sikeston. Cutting the ribbon is owner, Bobby Burns. Pictured with Burns is executive producer John Carter and Al Brooks of the Gospel group “The Brooks Boys” of Osceola, Arkansas. Homefront studios offers Nashville-quality recordings, podcasting, commercials and more. For more information visit their website: www.homefrontstudios.net.

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