
Saturday, July 10, 2021

New restaurant needed in Sikeston

Sikeston could use a good, ole southern-style American food restaurant. Thank you.

Lambert’s Cafe?

Anybody in Charleston sew?

I would like to know if anybody in the Charleston area does sewing. If you do, please put your number in Speakout. Thank you.

Fix East Prairie streets

I’d like for you to find out over here in East Prairie we’re sitting here paying between $55-75 each month for our water bill. How come our streets can’t get blacktopped? How come our holes can’t? Over here by the ball field where all the people comes in and goes and everything, got holes. Denman Drive. C’mon, get our streets blacktopped. I know there are funds out there. We sat there and we voted for it. We ready for our side streets to be blacktopped. The main streets. This one coming in to East Prairie will knock your front end out of line. That’s a shame over here. I just seen three raccoons running across the road. It’s 2:06. Must of went down toward First Street and got them a little bit of dope.

Have you went to a city council meeting asking about why the streets aren’t getting fixed?