__Where are the donations?__
I read where Sikeston’s city council is moving forward with hundreds of thousands of dollars to be spent on improvements to the old Bootheel golf course and recreation grounds. I read that they approved new lighting for the ball fields. Several months ago the council approved a long-term plan for these improvements and stated in the Standard Democrat that these improvements would be funded by future donations. Where did these new donations to fund the lighting at the ball parks come from?
The long-term plan involved the Sikeston Recreation Complex. The lighting improvements are just for Dancler Field, which is located at Roberta Rowe Park and not part of the Sikeston Recreation Complex. The improvements for Dancler Field were a budgeted item in the FY22 budget.
__Improvements just aren’t enough__
I don’t understand why Dancler Park should have wooden poles. You have aluminum poles out at the Complex. We pay the same taxes as everyone else. Why can’t we have aluminum poles for the lighting? This message goes to the parks director, I guess.
__Looking for burn barrel__
Still calling to look for a 55-gallon burn barrel. If anyone has burn barrels, please leave your contact number in the paper. I would appreciate it.
__Stopping pranking me__
I am 85 years old and I’m getting prank phone calls about Social Security. What can be done? I can’t take much more. Goodbye and good luck.