Feeding local law enforcement

Tuesday, October 26, 2021
Pictured are CHS job skills students with Charleston DPS officers, including Chief Robert Hearnes.
Submitted photo

Students in Charleston High School’s job skills class delivered on Sept. 30 first “thank you meals” to local law enforcement agencies. Members of the Charleston Department of Public Safety and the Mississippi County Sheriff’s Department received a full spaghetti dinner with dessert, which was cooked and prepared by CHS job skills students in their classroom. Laura Coon and her students thanked the sponsors, Citizens Bank (for Charleston DPS meal), First United Methodist Sunday School group (for the Sheriff’s Department meal), and Sarah Corse’s class for sending greeting cards. Anyone interested in sponsoring the Job Skills project, which would help provide ingredients and supplies that students will use to prepare monthly meals for llocal law enforcement agencies should reach out to Amy Brown at Charleston R-I Central Office, 573-683-3776 or abrown@charleston.k12.mo.us .