“Has anyone explained how you can trust the Bible?” I asked the high schooler I was talking with.
She answered, “absolutely not as the Bible is not true.” She explained that in her church they don’t even use the Bible. She shared when someone asks a question about key elements of the faith, they are given a standard answer, “just have faith.”
I quickly explained that this type of answer gives an outcome of convincing listeners there are no answers for important questions. What this line of thinking does is undermines a person’s faith by placing it in a world where faith has no substance or no reasons for what is believed.
Quickly I assured her there are real answers for her questions. I explained to her a summary of why I believe the Bible is trustworthy.
As a starting place, it is important to view what the Bible claims about itself. Paul writes (2 Timothy 3:16-17), “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.”
There are several evidential items that can be presented to establish support for the Bible’s claim of being the Word of God.
First, the Bible has predicted the future accurately with many specific prophecies. To reject the Bible is to reject the miracle of the Bible fulfilling real historic events accurately.
Another aspect with fulfilled prophecy is in relation to Jesus Christ. These prophecies are designed so people would realize who Jesus would be.
Next archaeological evidence — Dr. Clifford Wilson, previously served as director of the Australians Institute of Archaeology testified, “I know of no finding in archaeology that’s properly confirmed which is in opposition to the Scriptures. The Bible is the most accurate history textbook the world has ever seen.”*
Another criticism that is not credible asserts the present Bible has been changed from the original. It is also important to realize that people that translated the text were absolutely committed to accuracy. The translators had the highest level of accountability of checks and balances. It was a very exact science in the way they went about translation.
For many of the translators the process to translate the Bible cost them their lives. Literally the price for translating the Bible was their very blood.
Putting this together, we have a book like no other that is 100% the unchanging Word of God. We need to trust and read it. Further, make sure you are attending a church that believes and preaches the Bible.
On Jan. 30 at 6 p.m. returning to Sikeston is the “Community Sing.” This is an amazing time to enjoy incredible music through singing and congregational singing. Many local musicians will be sharing their talents. If you are like a lot of people that love music then come out at Sikeston’s First Baptist- fbcsikeston.org.
* Clifford Wilson, “Archaeologist Speaks Out” Creation 21, no 1 (December 1998): 15.