
Saturday, January 29, 2022

Durbin’s name is fitting

Senator Durbin, our Democrat senator from Illinois, name describes him to a T.

Show those balls

I want to speak out on the VFW Bingo Hall on Smith Street. When Bo calls them balls on the horse races, he is supposed to show the ball and I believe he should call the balls and show them. That’s what I’m talking about. I believe he should show them balls like he’s supposed to, but he won’t. It’s the Bingo rules.

Why is yellow light flashing?

Today is Martin Luther King’s birthday. School hasn’t been in session since Thursday. The yellow light is flashing at the kindergarten. It was on during Thanksgiving. It happens all the time. I’d like to know why. Every school in Sikeston has a sign that says 20 miles per hour when school is session, except the kindergarten. It says 20 miles per hour when light is flashing. Legally you can be stopped when school is out. Please don’t tell me to call the school, I’ve already called the transportation department, and nothing changes.

Actually, contact the Sikeston street department. They can probably give you an answer.

Put out the flags, Scott County

I think it is sad Scott County did not display the American flags throughout the county for the Martin Luther King holiday. They always fly the flags for federal holidays, but they do not for Martin Luther King holiday and I think that’s very sad.

Move on, Republicans

How far the Republicans in Missouri have fallen. They endorse an attack on the Capitol, they promote the Big Lie and are attacking voting rights. Their priorities are all messed up. Anybody that even tacitly agrees with what happened prior to and on Jan 6 at the Capital can in no way pretend that they support the Constitution or rule of law. I have voted Republican most of my life since Nixon. I do not recognize the Republican Party of today. It is time to move on and stop yelling at each other and start talking to each other and do what is best for our country. You gave an oath to uphold our Constitution. Do it. A democracy is controlled by the will of the voters, not politicians still throwing temper tantrums 14 months later. Move on.

Dirty politicians?

The Standard Democrat has been posting on Speakout that politicians don’t get paid for giving speeches. This is true, but a lot of money is contributed to politicians PACs (political action committees) and super PACs for giving their speeches, which is then given to these same politicians.