February 12, 2022

As for voting for Trump during the next election, I’m going to have a decision to make. Do I go ahead and follow the man who is about to be dictator or do I follow the constitution of the United States?

__Be specific on the assault__

I’m calling about the article that was in our past Sunday paper, entitled “80 years later: Remembrance and reconciliation of Cleo Wright lynching.” What struck me was how they never once mentioned the lady that Cleo Wright, in the paper they said, “allegedly assaulted.” But let’s be clear here, Cleo Wright was accused of raping at gunpoint and if I’m not mistaken he cut her throat. She lived and I just thought that for everyone’s sake that should be mentioned. I don’t want anyone thinking that I condone dragging a man through the streets and lynching him over something I do agree, that everyone should have a fair trial. However, I just think it’s a slap in the face to the lady’s family that is was never mentioned. Not once.

Generally, the Standard Democrat does not name surviving victims in crime reports. Obviously, this case is unlike others and the woman has passed away. We were told the woman didn’t talk about the incident when she was living. The purpose of the article was to inform the public of the upcoming reconciliation and remembrance event. The event aimed to not recall the details of the alleged assault — which also vary a great deal, depending on the source. However, to answer your question, the woman’s name was Grace Sturgeon.

__Blame the referees__

I’m hoping that the next time Dennis Marshall does a story on a championship game that he includes both team’s comments, both team’s coaches and both team’s score. First quarter, they fought referees like crazy. They fought the referees the whole game on Delta and they pinched, they squeezed and they even landed all on top of one of the players that put her out now for a few games with a possible broken ankle. But they didn’t bother to stop the game and help her. Just go ahead and rave on. Yes, Delta’s a small school. Yes, Delta’s playing like boys. Yes, Delta’s coached by a boys coach that has coached numerous schools before he was thrown out of them and always have winning teams. But play fair. Put in fair refs. Play the game fair, let them play fair and for goodness sakes, finish the articles up with what really happened and play both team’s information and not just one.

__Change the channel__

I don’t believe that KFVS News is totally biased. If the Speakout author, as posted Feb. 5, only wants to hear right wing news, and only positive things about Trump, then he has the option to just change the channel.

__Trump or constitution?__

As for voting for Trump during the next election, I’m going to have a decision to make. Do I go ahead and follow the man who is about to be dictator or do I follow the constitution of the United States?
