February 25, 2022

BENTON, Mo. — All Riverside Regional Library branches will host a “Dr. Seuss’ 118th Birthday Celebration” Feb. 28 through March 5. Locally, branches in Benton and Oran will host events for families where children can receive make-n-take craft kits, coloring sheets and book marks. Patrons should check with branches for specific times as they were closed Thursday and Friday due to the inclement weather...

Standard Democrat
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BENTON, Mo. — All Riverside Regional Library branches will host a “Dr. Seuss’ 118th Birthday Celebration” Feb. 28 through March 5.

Locally, branches in Benton and Oran will host events for families where children can receive make-n-take craft kits, coloring sheets and book marks. Patrons should check with branches for specific times as they were closed Thursday and Friday due to the inclement weather.

“Dr. Seuss has not only brought us joy through his books, but has taught us to be ourselves and to be kind to each other, as well as our environment,” said Eunice J. Schlichting, public services librarian/branch manager-Altenburg for Riverside Regional Library.

Each branch will have different Dr. Seuss color sheets and color-your-own bookmark sheets available. Kits and color pages are first come, first served.

Seuss once said: “Today you are you! That is truer than true! There is no one alive who is you-er than you!”

“And we want to see you shine through the take-n-make kits that are available for pick up at all branches, along with what you care about,” Schlichting said. “So stop on over and pick up ‘Become Your Own Lorax Mustache’ take-n-Make kits. After you create your fun photo prop, snap a picture and email it over to the children’s/youth’s librarian (dseidelman@rrlmo.org). Be sure to include what you care about! As the Lorax spoke for the trees, who do you speak for? You may be featured on our Facebook page for Dr. Seuss week.”

A virtual story time with Mrs. Desert will be available all week. Each day she’ll read “The Lorax” from a different location. Families can tune in to see “Oh, the places, she’ll go!” via Facebook or the library’s YouTube channel.
