
Saturday, March 12, 2022

Please return keys

I lost a large set of keys, over 25 keys, on March 5 at Lowes. The keys include a car remote for a Ford truck key and a Mazda key. I’m offering a reward for the return of the keys. Please contact Alan at 573-979-5223.

Feel the guilt

I’d like to speak out about a person in Sikeston, I won’t name names here. My grandfather passed away last September, and was a Vietnam veteran in the army; he was a great man who dedicated his life to his family and friends. He was disabled and had contracted Agent Orange while on duty in the army, and during the last years of his life had to use an electric wheelchair to be able to get around. The VA hospital had supplied him with an electric mobility scooter and an electric wheelchair. One of my grandfather’s nephews had an accident in which he needed something to get around until he got better, and my grandfather agreed to lend him the electric scooter, and told him that he can use it up until the point that he didn’t need it any longer. Well, after my grandfather passed we tried contacting his nephew about returning the electric scooter, because he was no longer using it and was now back at work, and the response we got from him is that we aren’t getting it back. The nephew’s brother contacted my grandmother and told her that she’s a horrible person and that my grandfather is looking down on her from heaven, and she always thought that he’d thought well of her. They are keeping the electric scooter, not out of need, or love, but of greed, pure greed. My grandmother has very little money to live on after my grandfather’s passing, and she was going to sell the scooter or give it to someone who needs it long-term. I’m posting this here, just to remind people that we have individuals in our community, who are already well off and have money, and don’t have a need in the world, who want nothing more than to take advantage of a passed veteran, and his wife. This, because of the situation is so cruel, and so wrong. And I hope that you feel the guilt.

Wishing Keystone Pipeline was open

I hope we still aren’t sending ships to Russia for fuel. I blame that on Biden. Why did he cancel the Keystone Pipeline? That was ridiculous. I wish it was open now, don’t you.

Still buying Russian oil

We’re being lied to. We’re being conned. President Biden is still buying crude oil from Russia.

Thanks a lot, Biden

Don’t you just love our President Biden? He is something else. He canceled Keystone Pipeline and now we’re having to buy crude oil from Russia. Isn’t that something? No wonder we’re going bankrupt.