March 22, 2022

SIKESTON — An April 5, Sikeston voters will be heading to the polls to select an at-large City Council person between Lori Caldwell and John Leible. Below is a question and answer with the Standard Democrat to aid the voters in getting to know the candidates a little better...

By David Jenkins/Standard Democrat
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SIKESTON — An April 5, Sikeston voters will be heading to the polls to select an at-large City Council person between Lori Caldwell and John Leible.

Below is a question and answer with the Standard Democrat to aid the voters in getting to know the candidates a little better.

__Describe your background:__

__Caldwell:__ I am a lifelong citizen of Sikeston, married to Ronald Caldwell. The mother of one child, Mikala and the daughter to Betty and the late Larry Williams. I obtained my Bachelor’s degree in Social Services from Hannibal-LaGrange University and have been employed with the State of Missouri for 18 years at the Sikeston Job Center, of which the last 10 years in the capacity of the office supervisor. I’ve served on countless committees including the Business Advisory Committee of the Sikeston CTC, the Advisory Council member committee of the SEMO-Sikeston Extension and participated in numerous community groups over the years.

__Leible:__ I was raised in Southeast Missouri and attended the University of Missouri, earning a degree in banking and finance. I served in the Missouri Army National Guard, including a deployment to Iraq. My wife and I moved to Sikeston in 2013 and I established my banking career here. I got involved in our community by serving on city boards and joining the Sikeston Jaycees, using the opportunity to learn about Sikeston and connect with people. In 2019, we grew our family by welcoming our son to the world. We have been fortunate to make friends here and call Sikeston home. 

__What do you think the biggest issue the council is likely to face during your term if elected?__

__Caldwell:__ I don’t know what lies ahead as I can’t predict the future but I would like the city of Sikeston to escape the woes faced by many small cities such as declining population growth and problems associated with or the result of a greater socioeconomic divide.

__Leible:__ If elected, I feel the most immediate issue facing the council is the rising rate of violent crime in our community. Chief McMillen and the community are partnering together to combat this issue and that is where it has to start. However, these issues are not solved overnight, it takes time. The council will need to support DPS and the community in solving this problem. 

__What issues do you think are the most important to Sikeston?__

__Caldwell:__ The growth and development of this city is very important to me and any issue that adversely affects this should be readily faced. Underemployment, available/affordable childcare, the disinterest in home ownership amongst our young adults and the increased turbulent behavior of our youth are all areas with cause for concern in my opinion.

__Leible:__ The most important issues facing Sikeston are economic development and community development. The Department of Economic Development is making great progress in Sikeston. Community development, including public safety, needs to happen alongside economic development to make sure Sikeston stays a place people want to work and live. Sikeston needs to have plenty of recreation and things for people to do in order to grow. A community with good jobs, a vibrant downtown, and great recreation attracts families, young professionals, and remote workers to live here. 

__If elected, what are your goals?__

__Caldwell:__ The current efforts in the area of economic development, bringing new industry to the city, efforts to update and improve the appearance of our city as well as incorporating new recreational outlets are areas I would like to see continue. My goal would be to ensure that these efforts are inclusive of every area within the city, accessible and inviting to all residents.

__Leible:__ If elected, I would like to see a reduction in violent crime in Sikeston, a revitalized downtown, and continued improvement of our park system. These goals may be lofty. However, all of these things can be achieved by supporting the people that are addressing the issues every day. I don’t pretend to have all of the answers, but the best way to find them is to empower people to find solutions.

__Why should voters pick you?__

__Caldwell:__ I have a strong desire to bring forth unity whenever I can. I operate in integrity and will assure you that I will take on every task and assignment with the heart of the people which whom I am called to represent and serve. I always endeavor to keep an open mind and move in fairness but I have no problem standing up for what I believe and challenging the status quo when necessary.

__Leible:__ Sikeston is a great community with opportunities to grow and thrive. My financial background and experience in the community have given me a framework to help make decisions to move Sikeston forward. I hope to bring a new perspective to the city council and work with others to find solutions. Most of all, I will have children that will grow up in this community. I want Sikeston to be a place future generations want to work, live, and grow a family of their own. 
