SIKESTON — Like all wars, the Vietnam occupation was terrible and especially terrible as so many of our military came home to a country that treated them terribly by physically and verbally assaulting them.
Last Wednesday at First Baptist Church, a special service was held for the upcoming Vietnam War Memorial Day (March 29).
“My dad is a Vietnam vet and I believe we need to do more to acknowledge their contribution to our community and world,” said Mathew Vroman, pastor at the First Baptist Church.
The service was highlighted by a special reading by Tom Austin and pledge was lead by Blair Moran. Rep. Jamie Burger (District 148) presented a Missouri and USA flags that had flown over the State Capital to Paul Burgess who received it for the Legion.
Sikeston’ Mayor Greg Turnbow shared thoughts of appreciation for the veterans and military and Sen. Holly Rehder (District 148) sent a USA flag flown over the Missouri Capital that was presented to Henry Pasquet.
Pasquet, from Ellsinore, is retired from the United States Air Force and flew C-130 cargo planes in Vietnam.
The event was captured by professional photographer Mallory Whiffen who donated her service.
“I thought the program was important for each and every veteran who didn’t get a welcome home” Whiffen said.
Vroman further encouraged the community, “The best thing you can do is if you see a Vietnam vet is to tell them ‘welcome home.’”
“There is value in understanding the sacrifices made by those who served our country,” said Zach Sexton who attended the event. “It’s a gripping reminder that freedom often comes at a painful cost.”