NEW MADRID, MO. - Dr. Sam Duncan, New Madrid County R-1 superintendent, describes the 2022-2023 budget as one with “no big surprises, which is the way we like it.”
The initial budget for the upcoming school year was approved by the R-1 School Board at its June meeting.
The big news on the budget, according to Duncan, is the ending balances.
“Our anticipated ending balances remain strong,” he said. “We anticipate in the 2022-2023 budget ending with an operating balance of 36.54 percent. That is right where we want it to be.”
He explained that balance would provide five months of operating costs for the district should it be needed.
“We are not in the business of saving money but on the other hand we want to be in a strong financial position and that 36 percent puts us in a good place,” Duncan added. “Our goal is to provide the resources to meet teacher and staff needs, have schools that provides the best opportunities for our children and maintain a healthy balance that assures the district’s future.”
The budget for the coming school year does not have any big ticket items, he said. Current construction projects including the work at the Technical Skills Center are being funded through grants and federal dollars.
“We are working through our five-year facility plan and everything that needs to be done is par for the course. Of course, we hope we don’t run across anything that is a big surprise but we don’t anticipate any major projects,” Duncan said.
While the Board has considered improvements to the high school track, that project is currently on hold, according to Duncan.
During the meeting, board members were updated on construction projects.
The new concession stand at the New Madrid County Central High School is complete and the new greenhouse is nearing completion.
Work on the FEMA shelter/ multipurpose building, which will be constructed behind the sixth grade wing at the Middle School, is expected to begin this summer. Completion is anticipated this winter.
Other summer improvements slated around the District are a new visitor’s parking lot at the New Madrid Elementary School and a handicap-accessible bathroom at the Central High School. Demolition will begin to make way for new wider canopies at the Central High School and the three elementary schools, however, the Board was advised due to supply chain issues, construction will not begin until fall.
Supply chain issues are also slowing the addition of air-conditioning to some classrooms at the Technical Skills Center.
Duncan updated the Board on a conversation with the city of New Madrid about the baseball fields. He said the District is looking at various options in an effort to ensure good facilities for student athletes.
In preparing for the coming school year and as part of the District’s compliance with federal guidelines, the Board discussed and approved the Safe Return to In-Person Instruction plan.
The main points of the plan, which is also posted on the District’s website, include that when school begins next August masks will be optional. Temperature checks for students and staff may still be performed.
Duncan said the District will continue its strict cleaning regimen which was begun with the onset of COVID. Also students and staff will continue to be reminded of ways to avoid getting sick.
“Overall we are hoping that we won’t have the level of illness we had. We don’t want to slide back but to maintain those practices that help everyone stay well,” Duncan said.
Also during the meeting:
• The Board amended Policy GCKA-R1 dealing with extra duty allowance salaries. The policy will allow increases in salaries for those who sponsor student activities over longer periods.
“We think (the revised policy) will demonstrate how much we care for those folks who do those extra jobs that kids love and keep them engaged in school,” Duncan said. “It is a novel approach and we think it will do just that.”
• In personnel matters Madison Bond was transferred from first grade to third grade and Seth McMillen was transferred from second to fourth grade at Matthews Elementary School. The board hired Linda Shaw as a custodian at Central Middle School and Lisa Perez as a custodian at Central High School effective July 1. Ryan Medlin was hired to work with students on credit recovery and as head softball coach for Central High School.
• CD investments were reviewed.
• Approval was given to the following policies: BBB “School Board Elections;” DCB “Political Campaigns;” EBBC “Lactation Support;” GCBDA “Professional Staff Short Term Leaves;” GDBDA “Support Staff Leaves;” and JGGA “Seclusion and Restraint.”
• The Board will give final approval to the 2022-2023 budget in a special meeting at 10 a.m June 30.