
Saturday, September 3, 2022

Always remember

The American voter needs to remember when they go to the polls in November that when gas prices went up it was Trump and Putin’s fault. Not the Democrats. Now that prices are coming down, the Democrats are taking all the credit.


I hope Kansas City wins its lawsuit against State of Missouri.

What about us?

Mr. Biden. People that worked their butts off to send their kids to college and not borrowing any money, do we get anything back?

Texas governor not responsive

On the news broadcasted Aug. 28, 2022, Uvalde school families went to see Texas Governor Greg Abbot. They told him they want the legal age for buying guns to be 21 years. Summarizing what they said, they left Abbot’s office feeling they had made no impact on the governor. The families said they’re definitely going to vote in the next election coming up this year.

Ink is too light

I’m sorry to say but it is so hard to read your paper anymore because the ink is so light, you can hardly see any of the words except for in a couple little places. Like underneath a picture a darker and a few other places. Also, I think letting Cape is one of the biggest mistakes you ever made, letting them print your paper because it is worse and worse every time you receive it. I think something should be done.

We apologize but our paper has been printed the same for years and the ink is the same darkness it has ever been. Maybe a future redesign we are currently working on will help.