September 20, 2022

Two current and two former administrators with the public school system in Chaffee, Missouri, have been cited for allegedly failing to report possible child abuse. Information documents filed by Scott County Prosecuting Attorney Amanda Oesch cited Amy Blackman, Stephen Brad Blackman, John Cundiff and Jennifer Vandeven with failure of mandated reporter to report child abuse. The offense is a Class A misdemeanor, punishable by up to one year in jail and a fine of $2,000...

Southeast Missourian
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Two current and two former administrators with the public school system in Chaffee, Missouri, have been cited for allegedly failing to report possible child abuse.

Information documents filed by Scott County Prosecuting Attorney Amanda Oesch cited Amy Blackman, Stephen Brad Blackman, John Cundiff and Jennifer Vandeven with failure of mandated reporter to report child abuse. The offense is a Class A misdemeanor, punishable by up to one year in jail and a fine of $2,000.

The citations stem from an alleged Nov. 15 incident involving Todd Cabral, a teacher in the district. A student told Amy Blackman, then a teacher in the district, that Cabral had “swiped her bottom,” according to a probable-cause statement created by detective Eric Dunn of Scott County Sheriff’s Office. Dunn wrote that Amy Blackman sent an email to Cundiff, high school principal, and Stephen Brad Blackman, then-superintendent, about the incident shortly before noon Nov. 15. The email noted the incident involved behavior that “could constitute sexual harassment.”

Amy Blackman
Amy Blackman
Amy Blackman
Amy Blackman

Dunn’s probable-cause statement said the district began a formal compliance investigation Dec. 6, after the Sheriff’s Office had begun investigating the allegation. On Dec. 7 and into January, Vandeven, compliance officer, interviewed a number of people regarding the incident. However, Scott County authorities found that documents created by district officials referred to the district’s investigation of the allegation beginning Nov. 15, rather than the date it appeared to have actually begun, Dec. 6.

A report to the state Children’s Division Hotline was not made by the school district until Jan. 21, seeming to violate a state statute that says “no internal investigation shall be initiated until such report has been made.”

Amy Blackman and Stephen Brad Blackman are no longer with the school district, according to its website.

Stephen Brad Blackman
Stephen Brad Blackman
Stephen Brad Blackman
Stephen Brad Blackman