September 23, 2022

I must confess something very personal to you. This confession may cause me to lose any credibility I have ever had about being from Missouri. This is so shocking that you may not ever believe anything I wrote about fishing with my grandma. Here it is… I hate fish. People always with disbelief ask why and I generally say it taste so “fishy” and smells...

I must confess something very personal to you. This confession may cause me to lose any credibility I have ever had about being from Missouri. This is so shocking that you may not ever believe anything I wrote about fishing with my grandma.

Here it is… I hate fish. People always with disbelief ask why and I generally say it taste so “fishy” and smells.

Well now that I have got that out of the way I want to say last week I was in Alaska. Further, my fish dislike raised its ugly head when our host asked me if I liked fish.

The host was part of one of the largest fishing companies in the world and it was uncomfortable to address the truth with them. When they heard my fish belief, they quickly went into the energy of an old time Evangelist preaching the beauty of fish. They proclaimed that I had never had fresh fish cooked the correct way.

Since I was with them, I agreed to try any fish they picked at the restaurant we were going to eat at. When the time came, they ordered black fish with butter on it.

As everyone knows there is two ways to try something. The first way is the little kids with peas way and the other the genuine way. I chose to go with option number two. I am sure my wife was glad I did not pick number one.

Option number one gets messy and requires throwing food on the floor (just kidding).

As I put the fish in my mouth it was very good. I realized in the spirit of the kid book “Green Eggs and Ham,” “I do like fish and ham (I already did like ham)! Thank you! Thank you, Mathew I am!”

This is a spiritual principle I see in Scripture.

“O taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him.” (Psalm 34:8)

Many times as Christians we will not trust the Lord, because we assume it will not go well or the worse. Just like my fish dislike, I did not know what I was missing, because I had not seriously tried it.

In the same way, until you step out in trust you will not enjoy the goodness of God. What is He is asking you to do? Are you trusting Him for the mountain he is asking you to climb? You will never regret the satisfaction of trusting the Lord.

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