
Saturday, February 18, 2023

Questions about the marijuana law

Correct me if I’m wrong. Now that the marijuana law is passed and if there are some children in the house, can we report it and the parents get in trouble for smoking it while children are in the house and they come out smelling like marijuana on their clothes because this don’t make sense for the children to be in the house where grownups smoking marijuana and they come outside, their clothes smelling bad and the parents think they got a right to do it just because the law has been passed? Thank you.

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I just saw a report on KFVS-TV that a person can use marijuana and drive a car at the same time and there’s nothing that the law system can do about it. Is that true? That you can use marijuana and drive at the same time? That sounds crazy. Any opinions? Thank you.

Smith fans here

To “Not a Smith fan,” President Joe Biden has made the worst decisions that have cost this country greatly. And I’m not just talking about at the gas pumps. On June 11, 2020, the average price of gasoline in the state of Missouri, was $1.84. This was during the full-swing effect of COVID and under the Trump administration. The oil that is exported into the United States comes from Mexico, Canada and OPEC. The war in Ukraine should have little to no effect on gas prices When the United states was producing its own oil, it created opportunity to negotiate on prices with leverage. Selling off our reserves is a foolish, temporary fix. The Keystone Pipeline would have created even more greater opportunities for this country, but instead, it was shut down for political purposes. Biden’s destructive path of bad decisions has now put two-thirds of Americans living paycheck to paycheck. This was not caused by high gas prices but instead, inflation. Now President Biden jeopardizes the sovereignty of all U.S. citizens with the weakening of our borders and air space. Biden himself is weak and doesn’t deserve the title of commander-in-chief. Before you believe what Biden says, you should do a fact check. The man is a liar and hypocrite that should not be trusted. I won’t say anything about Jason Smith but I will say the most disgusting thing that I have seen in government in recent years is the extent to which Democrats have gone to persecute a President while ignoring their own sworn duties to this country. At this point, a fifth grader would be better than Joe.

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I think that Jason Smith is doing a fantastic job of representing this area. He is a conservative, and this is a conservative area. Also, I think Trump will be doing a great job when he is re-elected. Pray for Jason Smith and Trump. Thank you.