
Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Have a blessed day

I would like to say thank God, first of all, and I would like to say a special thanks to these nice gentleman who I spoke with today. I had called Hays grocery store in Caruthersville, Missouri, and Food Giant in Advance, Missouri, and each one of those guys told me at the end of the conversation —I called and requested an item for sale to see if they had item and they did not — and at the end of the conversation, they were both so nice and polite and ended it with: “You have a blessed day.” We don’t hear that much nowadays. I’m not saying no one ever says it, but it’s very seldom do you hear anyone, especially in business, and I want to say thank God and thank them, and I know they are men of God and believe in Jesus Christ. We need a lot of love and belief in Christ right now because of all the world is going through – the violence and the crime, and I would like to end my conversation the same way and say: God bless you. God bless each and every one of you. Not only do I say God bless America, I say God bless everyone, and God bless the world. Another angel – not only one but two — that God sent my way today. I’m so thankful. Thank you, Jesus.