SIKESTON — Sikeston City Council met Monday, June 5 and heard an appeal on a “condition to use” variance for an adult novelty business on East Malone, across from VFW Memorial Stadium.
Planning and zoning rejected the conditional use exception, and an appeal was made to City Council. l. The matter died due to a lack of motion during Monday’s meeting.
The council approved the lease-purchase agreement between Board of Municipal Utilities and JNS Holdings. The BMU board of directors had earlier authorized a lease purchase deal with JNS Holdings, LLC, for a 100-foot by 400-foot block of power plant property adjacent to the northwest corner of the Alan Wire West Malone site.
This allows Alan Wire to load and unload trucks from their new warehouse addition and is not meant for facility building. The agreement’s main provisions include a 30-year lease at $1,800 per year, rising every five years by the Consumer Price Index, with an option to purchase the property at the conclusion of the lease period for the property’s appraised value at that time.
The council also voted on three Library Board seats. The state regulations require that Library Board of Trustees terms begin on July 1 of each year. The council reappointed Melissa Kelley and Colleen Flaker to the Library Board of Trustees for a second term, and appointed Elizabeth Littleton to her first term.
The council agreed to engage into a purchase agreement with ESO in order to continue using their report management software. The software is available for $13,225.20 per year. The Fire Division is currently utilizing and familiar with this technology. The application has served their purposes effectively and has also been used in the Patrol Division for fleet management.
The city council selected Zoellner Construction Co. Inc. as the Fire Station 2 construction manager. On May 9, members of the City Council Professional Consulting Committee and city officials gathered to discuss the proposals. Interviews were scheduled with Kiefner Brothers Inc. and Zoellner Construction Co. Inc.
The council also approved the grant agreement for the Legion Park Project’s ARPA Community Revitalization Grant.
The city has received a grant from the ARPA Community Revitalization Initiative for different Legion Park renovations. The standard grant agreement must be signed as the first step in receiving the funding.
The council renewed a service agreement with Historic Downtown Sikeston.
The city maintains a long-standing contract with Historic Midtown Development Group (Historic Downtown Sikeston) for services connected to downtown Sikeston promotion for $10,000 each year.
The council also authorized the purchase and use of a downtown city building at 215 N. New Madrid St. in Sikeston.
The city owns the former post office building at 215 N. New Madrid St., which has housed DPS, the Chamber of Commerce and currently Historic Downtown Sikeston since its acquisition by the city. The Sikeston Regional Chamber and Area Economic Development Corporation proposed an ARPA tourism grant application to renovate the building and create a visitor’s center that would house the Chamber of Commerce, Economic Development Corporation, Convention and Visitors Bureau, Historic Downtown Sikeston, and a Rodeo Museum.
The second reading of Bill No. 6308, the original modifications to the FY23 budget ordinance, took place Monday evening. The measure changes the original FY23 budget to reflect meaningful appropriations as a consequence of activity after its original passage in June 2022. The council decided to adopt the measure.
Council heard second reading and approved Bill No. 6310, establishing staffing and compensation levels for FY24. Staffing for FY2024 will consist of 129 full-time employees, 17 part-time employees, and 31 seasonal employees.
The city council accepted an engineering service contract with Bacon Farmer, Workman of Cape Girardeau for design and inspection services for the North West Street sidewalk between Wakefield and Malone.
On second reading, Council approved Bill No. 6312, which was a surrender of utility easements at 105 N. Stoddard. St. Francis Xavier asked that utility easements be removed, which will allow for the construction of a new paved parking space and a new rectory for the priest. The planning and zoning committee met on May 9 and approved the subdivision proposal.
The city council concluded the meeting by confirming the next council meeting will no longer be on July 3 and will instead be convened on July 10, if necessary.
In other action on Monday by City Council:
— The council accepted Bill No. 6309, the FY24 budget law, on second reading.
— Council heard second reading and approved of Bill No. 6311, terminating tax increment financing with the 60/61 TIF Redevelopment Area.
— Council revised the Building Regulations-Board of Adjustments to clarify that the Sikeston Community Development Director is not a voting member.
— Council changed the Planning and Zoning Commission composition to include the Sikeston Community Development Director as a non-voting member.
— Council approved a 5 year fixed term cash farm lease for 103.61 acres adjacent to the Sikeston Memorial Municipal Airport.
— CDBG roadway bids were granted to ASA Asphalt of Cape Girardeau for $690,650.82.