
Saturday, June 10, 2023

Be more appreciative

This is in response to the Speakout on May 31, “Coming to America.” This is all I have to say in response: If we didn’t have illegal immigrants and we didn’t have Mexicans here and we didn’t have people who work under the table, then we wouldn’t have new paved words. We wouldn’t have crops. We wouldn’t have any of the things that pertain to hard work because Americans like you, me and any others are too lazy to get off of our butts to do it. So, I would be a little more appreciative of those that risk themselves to give you what you need; otherwise, you’d be crying about it.

Somebody else needs to get real

I would like to respond to “Get real” in Wednesday’s (May 31) paper. Somebody else needs to get real because you can’t lump all the Republicans in one big lump just because of one President, mainly Trump. Now, you can lump all the Democrats because Biden has Alzheimer’s. You can tell by the way he acts, by the way speaks. He can’t form a sentence without it being written for him. So he’s got everybody pulling at him, telling him do do this, do that, and he does it. And when he does speak off the script, they go back and recant or erase the tape. The man is incompetent. So, we got to get somebody in there that has some brains and knows what they’re doing and is not going to run this country into the ground like Biden has, borrowing money from other countries to cover our deficit. Next thing we know we’re all gonna be speaking Russian or Chinese. This country is going to the dogs.