
Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Social Security suspicions

My Speakout is against Social Security. I was wondering how many people were denied that were truly hurt and how long it had taken for them to get their claim or had to hire a lawyer to get what they had earned? I’m not talking about a 20 year old who fell and is trying to get benefits. I’m talking about people such as myself who have 31 years paying into Social Security and 80% disabled through the VA and I was denied by Social Security.

Republicans are minority

Do you realize that the Republican party is now a minority party in the United States? Republicans have lost the popular vote for President in seven of the last eight federal presidential elections. If you want to keep the name democracy, you better wake up and do something. Republicans must cheat to win. They’re working very hard to change the rules. Wake up.

Agree with Liz

I have to agree with Liz Cheney who recently stated that our current broken political situation is because “we keep electing idiots.”

Separating church and state

Missouri lawmakers just passed bill to allow Bible teaching in public schools. What happened to our constitution which clearly requires separation of church and state?