‘Voice for Children’ volunteers needed

Friday, July 14, 2023

SIKESTON — Voice for Children of Southeast Missouri has been in existence for many years and is searching for volunteers in the Bootheel area.

The biggest challenge Voice for Children of Southeast Missouri has is the need for additional volunteers who are ready to advocate for a child, act as their voice and get a demanding and gratifying chance to assist a child in having a more promising future, according to Kawonda Moore, volunteer coordinator for Voice for Children in Southeast Missouri.

Court Appointed Special Advocate, or CASA, volunteers at Voices for Children are advocates for children in the system. Their function is critical to foster children’s and the community’s future, Moore said.

“There are so many kids that are in foster care,” Moore said “Sometimes these kids are not heard because there is nobody going to court to advocate for them.

Moore continued: “So, if the kids have somebody who sits down with them and listens to their side of the story and can tell the story, that is what they need.” 

Moore said CASA was established in 1991 and that the CASA program has changed over time. 

In the summer of 1993, the group had eight CASA-certified volunteers and a part-time volunteer coordinator helping the children of Southeast Missouri.

Moore said their regional areas are the 32nd and 33rd Judicial Circuits, which include Bollinger, Cape Girardeau, Mississippi, Perry and Scott counties. Over 610 children are now in foster care as a result of child abuse and neglect.

Moore said these children are innocent victims who require a voice in the system, which is why CASA volunteers are so crucial. 

According to Moore, these children will wind up in court, where a judge will decide their fate, and she explained how a Voice for Children CASA volunteer can speak on behalf of the child and give the court extra information to help them make the most educated decisions possible about what is best for the child.

Moore pointed out that CASA volunteers are critical to the future of foster children in the community. CASA volunteers work with a team of specialists to accelerate a safe, permanent placement for each child and to guarantee that the system achieves its commitments to each child.

Moore said she feels the organization is an excellent one to be a part of because of the amazing actions it performs for children.

“This really is a great organization,” Moore said. “It’s very fulfilling and rewarding to know that you’re helping out kids that get overlooked.”

To be a volunteer, a person must be 21 years old, prepared to contribute 5-10 hours per month for at least 18 months, willing to represent the best interests of the kid and willing to submit monthly reports on time. 

Moore also said volunteers would be subjected to a background check and 30 hours of training. 

After completing the training, the volunteer will be sworn in before a judge and given a case.

Volunteers cannot be current Missouri Children’s Division or Juvenile Office employees or current foster parents.

To know more about the organization or to become a volunteer, visit their website: https://www.voicesforchildrensemo.org/get-involved/

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