
Saturday, August 19, 2023

Ballot issues

I voted today at Three Rivers College on the Sikeston extended tax ballot. After completing my ballot I put it in the counting machine, and it was rejected. I was told that they had not received the proper setup ballot needed to make the counting machine work. I was then told to trust that they would mail the ballot for counting. You would think they could have called someone to get the proper setup. I hope my ballot got counted.

You should contact the New Madrid County Clerk’s office for more information.

Why no gas pump receipts?

Have you noticed that when you use your credit or debit card to buy gas in Sikeston that you seldom get a paper copy of your receipt? You almost always have to go inside and request a receipt. Are these owners too lazy or cheap to reload their machines. This also puts more work on the employees to have to print out receipts all the time. I think this is terrible disrespect and customer service for gas customers.

‘Republican alternative facts’

A headline in Sunday’s “St. Louis Post-Dispatch” states: “Giuliani admits making false election claims to the Missouri House of Representatives.” Anyone with an IQ above 100 knows that Trump Republicans don’t deal in real facts or truth. Trump’s press secretary Kellyanne Conway told us they deal with alternative facts on “real words live.” They tried 60 cases they brought in the United States – all of which were kicked out of court, any by judges appointed by Trump because trial courts can only deal with true facts, not “Republican alternative facts.” Trump is desperate to try his pending cases in the press or FOX-type meeting, but Special Prosecutor Smith won’t say a word. Public in public, he will speak where truth is tested — in the trial court.


Trump’s lawyer Rudolph Guiliani admits to lying about Trump’s election fraud claims to a committee in the Missouri House of Representatives under oath. I bet you the Republican House of Representatives won’t ask the Cole County prosecutor to file criminal charges for perjury, a class E felony in Missouri, which he could easily make in a court of law. They don’t mind being lied to here in Missouri.

Children need to be prepared

Seventy percent of our fourth grade Missouri children test below their grade levels for reading and math skills. It’s worse in middle school levels. One-half of our Missouri high school grads are not college or career ready. We need to prepare our children by educating them, or they will all be Republicans, picking the facts that suit them, not real facts in a race to the bottom in our country.

Not a fan

They are making the Jaycee Bootheel Rodeo a spectacle. The worst I have ever seen.