
Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Grateful for generosity

We would like to say thank you to the nice young man and his family who bought us dinner Friday night at Huddle House. It’s nice to know that there are still generous, giving people. Thanks again from two senior citizens and a veteran.

Feeling sorry for caller

Yes, I would like to respond to the “Trump supporters, please explain...” that was in your Speakout on Saturday, Aug. 12. I want to say that whoever this person is … I am very sorry they had not checked everything out before they chose what they had to say. Everything they had to say is not true about President Trump and they need to get their facts straight. They have it completely wrong. And also the reason the Trump voters are hanging on is because we know that he is the only one that is really and truly looking out for our country and because he’s not a politician and he knows what he’s saying and he can get it done. And I am so sorry that you are disillusioned and blinded about what’s in there now but you need to do more searching and you need to be more sure of things before you put it in the paper because I hate it for you that you are so mixed up and misguided and I am sorry for you. Thank you.

Ridiculous roundabouts

The two roundabouts on a small bridge near Bertrand are ridiculous. One can barely get in the groove they leave for you to go around. Highway department needs to come back and scrape that all smooth like it was before. Those two roundabouts aren’t needed – even one roundabout wasn’t needed. Come back and do the job right.