
Wednesday, September 6, 2023

‘Please be considerate of other people’

Yes, I was wondering if there’s any way that handicapped parking violations could be given out in this town? It’s unbelievable the number of people that you see that have no disabled placard or no disabled tags or someone is using a family member’s disabled placard or tags to get parking, and a truly handicapped person cannot park where they need to. They have to park way out back. I can’t believe how insensitive people are. That has always been a pet peeve of mine — people taking advantage of something that is not rightfully theirs. Thank you and please be considerate other people. Have a good day.

Tired of Trump

I think the American people have had enough of Trump. We all wanted change, and Trump did give us that, for a short period of time. Unfortunately, during his process, he has been charged with four indictments and 91 felony charges. The people have given a him a chance and he failed us drastically. Yes, he is also the only president ever, to be given a mug shot. Trump has let down the entire country, and yes, some good citizens and stupid lawmakers, are still supporting his lies and hate.

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We knowingly elected a serial liar, conman, a narcissist, bully, wannabe mobster, with the vocabulary of an emotionally insecure 9 year old. You can’t really be shocked at the mugshot and 91 felony charges against Trump. He chose his own road map and must now pay the piper.