
Saturday, September 16, 2023

Not tired of Trump

This is in response to “Tired of Trump.” Oh my goodness. Another ill-informed person here in Missouri. No, the American people with knowledge of the right things for our country have not had enough of Trump. You better believe we all wanted a change from the swamp, and he gave it to us. Don’t you see he was disclosing most of them and that is exactly why they had to stop them? You really don’t know the real facts like so many that don’t get the real news and don’t bother to prove things before saying something. You need help to get the truth and I hope you get it before it is too late. Thank you.

Caller likes Trump’s results

I don’t agree with Donald Trump’s childish name-calling. I don’t care what he did in his personal life, but during his presidency, I made money in my 401k, and Trump let the foreign leaders know that they would never walk over the United States of America.

Public is uninformed how country works

You can always tell how uninformed the public is about how this country works, like the Speakout caller who is blaming Biden for the crisis on our border. The President does not make the law regulating immigration; the Congress does. The President only carries out the law which Congress makes but has failed to make for the past 35 years. You should ask Congressman Smith, Sen. Hawley or Sen. Schmitt and you will find there will be lots to blame but no answers.

Tuberville is the worst

Ineptness [sic] Jason Smith, U.S. Rep. (Josh) Hawley and (Eric) Schmitt, but compared to (Alabama Sen. Tommy) Tuberville, as poor as we are in Missouri, he’s the worst.

Don’t judge

About handicap parking, I can understand how people feels, but if you see me getting out of my vehicle you would say: “There ain’t nothing wrong with him,” but you hadn’t been through four back/spinal surgeries. Some days I can walk a mile and other days, my leg goes out from under me. So kinda don’t judge people just because they don’t look disabled.