
Saturday, October 7, 2023

Stop misgendering senator

I wish people would stop misgendering Sen. (John) Fetterman. As he said himself, his name is Fetter-woman. That’s right. He said Fetter-woman, not Fetter-man. Stop misgendering him — or her. Thank you.

No longer a supporter

I’m a former supporter of Jason Smith but not anymore. I’m very disappointed and almost disgusted by his current behavior. He used to be a reputable and honorable representative, but that has dramatically changed since the Jan. 6 insurrection. He’s not only become a hypocrite about searching for the truth, but he’s almost as narcissistic as Donald Trump. His behavior clearly shows he’s not interested in the truth or in upholding the Constitution. He, along with our two senators, need to get their heads out of Trump’s backside and do what’s right for the U.S. I realize that’s a foreign concept for three of them.

Trump pleads the fifth

I hope Republicans can remember Donald Trump said that you don’t plead the fifth unless you are guilty. I also hope they remember that he took the fifth over 400 times in his fraud case, which is being tried today.

Lying FOX

I am grateful and relieved to see Speakout callers calling out FOX News for the lies they have been telling. FOX News and their like have ruined this country.