
Saturday, November 18, 2023

True colors

I read the editorial twice in Wednesday’s paper about our Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft. So, to put it in plain words, he wants to mislead all Missouri voters for his own views. When politicians show you who they are, you better take it serious. If he would do this as secretary of state, what would he do as governor? The people of Missouri pay him. He should represent them, not his own personal agenda. We need more coverage on this. He wants time to run out. Women of Missouri need a choice, not one man making that decision. When a judge makes a ruling, you should comply. It’s why we have laws in this country. Thank you.

‘Do better feeding our children’

I would like to speak out about Sikeston Public Schools’ lunch and breakfast. I am a longtime resident of Sikeston, Missouri. I am 51 years old. I attended Sikeston Public Schools, and back when I was a kid, Sikeston had a very good lunch. They served us lunch. There was very hot. I had no complaints back them. I had three daughters. I had a no complaints back then, but now, I have a daughter in high school. The whole time she has been in school she has never liked the breakfast or the lunch. I have two granddaughters and they hate breakfast and the lunch. My daughter never eats breakfast. She hates lunch. As everyone knows, times are hard now. Everyone is having a hard time unless you are wealthy here in Sikeston, Missouri. But the school lunch is horrible. My daughter has eaten mold. She bit into a chicken sandwich and it was molded. Today, she complained that she had chicken nuggets and one was ripped. Actually she only had two chicken nuggets, and she is in high school. That is ridiculous. My granddaughter has complained that her food is always cold. Sikeston, we have got to do better when it comes to our children. The breakfast, they say they only get cereal. As you know here in Sikeston, we’re not lacking anything for money in our school systems. If we can host football rallies and football games and all this big stuff for politics, we can do better when it comes to our children. If we offer free breakfasts and lunches, we can do better when it comes to feeding our children. They are our future. If we’re going to feed them, let’s do better, Sikeston Public Schools, and feed our children. Let’s do better and feed them. Some children, that is their only meal. They need a hot warm nutritious meals in their bellies for breakfast and lunch. I love Sikeston. It’s my hometown. I want my children and grandchildren to love and respect the Bulldog Nation in Sikeston, Missouri. So, Sikeston Public Schools, let’s do better and get people that actually love children and want to feed them good, hot, nutritious meals and nothing that’s cold and for sure nothing that is molded.