
Saturday, February 10, 2024

Thoughts on child tax credit

Yes, I’m calling about the child tax credit with people that doesn’t have income like draw Social Security Disability (Insurance) or SSI (Supplemental Security Income). I was talking about it the other day to someone and a lady was giving me a dirty look, and I’d like to tell her that I’ve been raising my granddaughter now for eight years without a dollar coming from the state of Missouri and just cause I draw Social Security that doesn’t mean that I shouldn’t be able to claim the child tax credit because I don’t have no earned income coming in. The state was happy to bring me my granddaughter and say: “Hey! Here you go” They give you food stamps and give you Medicaid. And I’m talking about the ones that ain’t foster parents. All these grandparents that’s out here accept their kids in and then have to buy their school clothes, the shoes, everything. That’s what I’m talking about, and that is wrong. We should be able to qualify for child tax credit just like the people that’s working especially if we’re taking care of our grandkids. Thank you.

Putting the country at-risk

The radical MAGA Republicans seek to impeach Homeland Security Secretary (Alejandro) Mayorkas over situations beyond his control on the boarder. President (Joe) Biden is willing to sign a bipartisan bill into law concerning the boarder issues. However, (House) Speaker Mike Johnson is in direct contact with Donald Trump. Trump has told Speaker Johnson, “no deal.” Trump is influencing Congress to derail our democracy. Not since Robert E. Lee has anyone put our democracy at-risk in the way Donald Trump has. Speaker Johnson should be impeached if anyone deserves that action. Put Trump in jail for his crimes including insurrection and may God bless this country. Thank you.

Budget for Trump’s legal bills

You, Republicans, be sure and budget plenty of money to pay (Donald) Trump’s legal bills. Although he stated he was very rich and didn’t need any money, he had all the money he needed. You dodos have paid for everything – even the wall that he promised Mexico would pay for; $50 million in legal fees already – and you’re just getting started. There’s a sucker born every day and a good con man knows just how to pluck ‘em – and he hires lousy lawyers.

Getting scary

If Donald Trump gets immunity for all the crimes he committed when he was past President, can you imagine the crimes he would commit if he was re-elected and knew that he could get away with more crimes without prosecution? This is really getting scary.