March 15, 2024

Last week I attended a trivia night whose proceeds were given to a young woman battling leukemia. Some of the questions were fairly easy, like “What two people were the closest to Harry Potter in the Harry Potter books and films?” (Ron and Hermoine.) Some were difficult, like “In the TV sitcom Friends, what was the name of Mike’s dog?” (Chappy.) Trivia nights are usually opportunities to learn new facts and to contribute to a worthy cause...

Last week I attended a trivia night whose proceeds were given to a young woman battling leukemia. Some of the questions were fairly easy, like “What two people were the closest to Harry Potter in the Harry Potter books and films?” (Ron and Hermoine.) Some were difficult, like “In the TV sitcom Friends, what was the name of Mike’s dog?” (Chappy.) Trivia nights are usually opportunities to learn new facts and to contribute to a worthy cause.

I must admit that many of the questions that were asked during this recent trivia night were very difficult. I was thankful that I was not personally graded because my score would not have been that great. The experience made me think that I am so grateful that I don’t have to pass a heavenly trivia night in order to enter heaven.

Just imagine it. You are at the Pearly Gates, and you have to correctly answer questions to get in. Questions like, “For how many days did the Egyptians morn the death of Jacob?” or “In what book in the Bible do you find, “By the skin of the teeth?” But we don’t have to imagine a fate of correctly answering bible trivia in order to get into heaven, because Jesus has already opened heavens doors for us. Through his cross and resurrection, Jesus set forth God’s plan of salvation for the world. We have already been granted the gift of eternal life!

“I assure you that whoever hears my word and believes in the one who sent me has eternal life and won’t come under judgment but has passed from death into life.” John 5:24 

(The answers to the bible trivia questions are: 70 and the Book of Job.)

The Rev. Karen Dumey is the pastor of Hunter Memorial First Presbyterian Church in Sikeston.
