March 29, 2024

Easter is upon us. Sanctuaries will be decorated with Easter lilies. Some folks will don new clothes as a way to celebrate new life. Lenten fasts will end, and an Easter feast will be looked forward to. And as Americans, we will find some way to incorporate chocolate into this festive day, whether it be chocolate eggs or chocolate bunnies or chocolate cake...

Easter is upon us. Sanctuaries will be decorated with Easter lilies. Some folks will don new clothes as a way to celebrate new life. Lenten fasts will end, and an Easter feast will be looked forward to. And as Americans, we will find some way to incorporate chocolate into this festive day, whether it be chocolate eggs or chocolate bunnies or chocolate cake.

Easter is a mystery. It is a mystery as to why God is so concerned with us – mere dust in the universe – that a plan of salvation was created. It is a mystery as to how Jesus was able to bear the world’s sins and take them to the cross to be forgiven and remembered no more. It is a mystery how Jesus was able to not only rise from the dead, but then later ascend into heaven in bodily form. It is a mystery as to how exactly resurrection grace works for us and within us, so that we are people who are truly forgiven for all our wrongs, and who can look forward to an eternal life that we are already living in right now.

For me, Easter is a day and season of new beginnings. Whatever has been weighing me down or holding me back seems insignificant against the backdrop of Jesus’ resurrection and what it means for me and for the world. Easter teaches me that once again my slate has been wiped clean and I am free to be the person God created me to be. This particular Easter will be the day that I retire and begin a brand-new chapter in my life that I am so excited about. Wherever you are in your life, it is my hope and prayer that this Easter, you experience the joy, mystery, and new life to be found in our Savior, Christ Jesus.

“In the same way that everyone dies in Adam, so also everyone will be given life in Christ.” 1 Corinthians 15:22

The Rev. Karen Dumey is the pastor of Hunter Memorial First Presbyterian Church in Sikeston. However, Dumey is retiring and this is her last Thought of the Week column. We wish her the best in her retirement.
