Letter to the Editor

Letter: Proposed ‘right to an abortion’ amendment is misleading

Friday, April 26, 2024

Dear Editor:

The Catholic Church supports and defends society’s most vulnerable, especially women and children, through accompaniment, social services, and material assistance.

A misleading proposed amendment to the Missouri Constitution suggests that a “right to an abortion” is needed to protect women, while the amendment could actually put women at risk and endanger preborn children. This ballot initiative would legalize abortions in this state and remove long standing health and safety standards for women. In addition, this initiative does nothing to reduce or eliminate the underlying social causes for abortion and does not further a true culture of life in the state.

Groups are currently collecting citizen signatures to add the amendment to the November 2024 ballot. We encourage all Catholics and people of good will to not sign any petition that would put this amendment on the ballot.

The Catholic Church in Missouri will continue to provide spiritual and material support to expectant mothers and their families through our parishes and ministries, and to advocate on their behalf and on behalf of their preborn children. For those women suffering from the pain of an abortion, the Church will continue to offer true healing and hope through its Post

Abortive Healing Ministries. We ask all to help us in these efforts to safeguard the right to life.

We look forward to the day when every child, born and unborn, has the love and support needed to thrive and reach his or her full potential. Let us pray for a greater recognition of the gift of each and every human life in our society.

Catholic Bishops of Missouri:

Most Rev. Mitchell T. Rozanski, General Chairman/Archbishop of St. Louis

Most Rev. W. Shawn McKnight, Executive Chairman/Bishop of Jefferson City

Most Rev. James V. Johnston Jr., Vice Chairman/Bishop of Kansas City-St. Joseph

Most Rev. Edward M. Rice, Bishop of Springfield-Cape Girardeau