Morehouse City Park Board plans ‘Splash Day’ fundraiser on May 18

Friday, May 3, 2024

MOREHOUSE, Mo. — Morehouse City Park is hosting Splash Day, a family-friendly water fundraiser event to kick off the summer.

The local fire department will be present, setting up water slides and spraying the children with their firefighter water hose. 

Gayle Childs, city clerk for Morehouse, said the city recently appointed a new park board and was looking to organize a fundraiser event to raise funds for an inflatable water slide.

Set for May 18, the event begins at 11 a.m. and will last all day at Morehouse City Park, according to Childs.

Food items range from $1 to $2 and include cotton candy, barbecue, lemonade, snow cones, hot dogs, funnel cakes and sweet tea.

They will also have a bucket of 25-30 water balloons available to purchase for $7 each.

Childs said those who want to register in advance for 25-30 water balloons can do so and will only have to pay $5 instead of $7. 

There will also be a cornhole tournament, with a $10 registration fee. Childs said the winner of the cornhole tournament would receive half of the proceeds. Those who register on the day of registration will pay $15.

Childs encouraged all children to bring swimsuits and towels, and to be prepared to be splashed with water. 

She said this is the first time the city has done something like this for Morehouse’s children, and they are excited.

“It’s going to be a really fun time for the kids,” Childs said. “We are also planning to have a water activity for the kids at least once a month throughout the summer.”

Childs said there will also be baby swimming pools available for the younger children, too. 

“I believe we will have one of the baby swimming pools with floating ducks that, when they pick up the ducks, they can then get a toy prize,” Childs said.

Childs said once they have raised enough funds to purchase an inflatable water slide, they intend to use it for other fundraising events for the city.

Morehouse City Collector Amanda Leija agreed and said the city’s new park board group desires to become more involved in the community by hosting fundraising events so that they can also give back to the community

“We really would like to give back to the community; that is our main goal,” Leija said. 

To know more about the Splash Day fundraiser, go to the Morehouse City Park Facebook page. To register for the cornhole tournament or water balloons, visit the Morehouse City Park Facebook page for the link.

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