
Saturday, June 15, 2024

No such thing as gun violence

Would someone remind our mayor there is no such thing as gun violence? People with a gun create violence. Gun does not do it by itself.

Another headed to prison

Another one of Trump’s criminal gang is headed to prison to join with the other criminals already put away. Steve Bannon was convicted of stealing hundreds of millions of dollars from Republican suckers to finish Trump’s wall which Trump promised Mexico would pay for. Bannon and a few of his Republican friends just pocketed the money. Bannon’s criminal buddies are still in prison, but Bannon who calls Trump directly whenever he wants, in fact, twice on Jan. 5, the day before Trump and his mob did millions of dollars worth of damage to our Capitol, tried to hang Pence, scared a bunch of Congress people into telling the truth for at least a few days, but he got a Trump pardon for the seven-year sentence that he got. But he ran out of time on the last charge so he goes into prison, maybe to be joined by Donnie the con later.